Here we mentioning one of our global business software skeleton named as ND Frames AIWA in a space field. hence it is to be derived as follows the name itself ND Frames AIWA (ND Frames Artificial Intelligence World Application.) As a matter of fact it can be obtainable any MNC companies can be eligible to explore their advance and modern service to globe in a space field in a detail.

The ND Frames AIWA contains 195 countries AIWA caps like ND Frames AIWA US, ND Frames AIWA UK, ND Frames AIWA follows. Again each ND Frames AIWA caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames AIWA US - x company, ND Frames AIWA UK - y company, ND Frames AIWA Australia- z company.etc as such way that the person /company after getting this project/product he can able to explore entire world in capable companies to serve globally in space field /space service. Eg: The ordinary person to icon of the world in everybody go and move to future artificial planet in the space and AIWA will observe the human needs in different aspects and serves to back when person in space . This can be adoptable especially technology Artificial Intelligence World Application format. This concept inbuilted ND Frames AIWA.
Yes, we are prograted this project more sensational and desirable to live common man to any VIP in the world can abscond in future world in the space this is called as a ND Frames AIWA . it is a global business software skeleton in especially space field.