Pre point

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The ND Frames Production Of Innovations inventing a new concepts in several fields and also invented 12 categories global business software skeletons in the world's first.

A universal festival of world business magnets and clusters of corporate companies and MNC'S feather world of 2019.

Here we inviting to beloveded and prestigious magnificiantle business magnets of the world and other clusters of MNC and corporate magnets heartfully welcoming to our pre point to recreate the world to colour and glow the world's need to touch and untouchbility of the world.

The following our project and product will makes to colour the world in the view of tomorrow day of your penetrating in the form of business magnets functionality. Hence each of business magnets / MNC company owners / CEO's / MD's / Chairman's by obtaining this project and product you will be as a zygoting person of this colourful world. Moreover, In this history of universe you are the mole mark of this world.



Product zone - nd Frames
  1. Name of Project : ND Frames Sledge
  2. Category : Electric & Electronic field
  3. vailability : Global Marketing
  4. Source / Product : Product
  5. Description : ND Frames sledge which contains 195 countries Sledge caps eg: ND Frames sledge US, ND Frames sledge UK, ND Frames sledge Australia follows Again each ND Frames sledge caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames sledge US - x company, ND Frames sledge UK - y company, ND Frames sledge Australia - z company -.etc.
  6. Significance : pre dectective control
  7. Customisation : Entire world electric & electronic companies by virtual base global business software skeleton
Product zone - nd Frames
  1. Name of Project : ND Frames Crown
  2. Category : Medical field
  3. vailability :Global Marketing
  4. Source / Product : Product
  5. Description : ND Frames crown which contains 195 countries crown caps eg: ND Frames crown US, ND Frames crown UK, ND Frames crown Australia follows Again each ND Frames crown caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames crown US - x company, ND Frames crown UK - y company, ND Frames crown Australia - z company -.etc.
  6. Significance : pre diagnoise the body
  7. Customisation : Entire world medical companies & medical hospitals by virtual base global business software skeleton
Product zone - nd Frames
  1. Name of Project : ND Frames Crispy
  2. Category : Communication field
  3. vailability : Global Marketing
  4. Source / Product : Product
  5. Description : ND Frames crispy which contains 195 countries crispy caps eg: ND Frames crispy US, ND Frames crispy UK, ND Frames crispy Australia follows Again each ND Frames crispy caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames crispy US - x company, ND Frames crispy UK - y company, ND Frames crispy Australia - z company -.etc.
  6. Significance : Recreate the communication field
  7. Customisation : Entire world business magnets/ MNC companies by virtual base global business software skeleton
Product zone - nd Frames
  1. Name of Project : ND Frames AIWA
  2. Category : Space field
  3. vailability : Global Marketing
  4. Source / Product : Product
  5. Description : ND Frames AIWA which contains 195 countries AIWA caps eg: ND Frames AIWA US, ND Frames AIWA UK, ND Frames AIWA Australia follows Again each ND Frames AIWA caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames AIWA US - x company, ND Frames AIWA UK - y company, ND Frames AIWA Australia - z company -.etc.
  6. Significance : person life in AIWA planet
  7. Customisation : Entire world Business magnets / MNC companies / space & research companies by virtual base global business software skeleton
Product zone - nd Frames
  1. Name of Project : ND Frames Whitelight
  2. Category : IT field
  3. vailability : Global Marketing
  4. Source / Product : Product
  5. Description : ND Frames whitelight which contains 195 countries whitelight caps eg: ND Frames whitelight US, ND Frames whitelight UK, ND Frames whitelight Australia follows Again each ND Frames whitelight caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames whitelight US - x company, ND Frames whitelight UK - y company, ND Frames whitelight Australia - z company -.etc.
  6. Significance : To know the fact of persons power of assumption.
  7. Customisation : Entire world IT companies / MNC companies by virtual base global business software skeleton
Product zone - nd Frames
  1. Name of Project : ND Frames Airsign
  2. Category : Space field
  3. vailability : Global Marketing
  4. Source / Product : Product
  5. Description : ND Frames Airsign which contains 195 countries Airsign caps eg: ND Frames Airsign US, ND Frames Airsign UK, ND Frames Airsign Australia follows Again each ND Frames Airsign caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames Airsign US - x company, ND Frames Airsign UK - y company, ND Frames Airsign Australia - z company -.etc.
  6. Significance : person live / communicate in zero air condition.
  7. Customisation : Entire world business magnets/ MNC companies / Space & research companies by virtual base global business software skeleton
Product zone - nd Frames
  1. Name of Project : ND Frames Eye language
  2. Category : Business field
  3. vailability : Global Marketing
  4. Source / Product : Product
  5. Description : ND Frames Eye language which contains 195 countries eye langauge caps eg: ND Frames eye language US, ND Frames eye language UK, ND Frames eye language Australia follows Again each ND Frames eye language caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames eye language US - x company, ND Frames eye language UK - y company, ND Frames eye language Australia - z company -.etc.
  6. Significance : pre dectection in his own business field
  7. Customisation : Entire world Business magnets / MNC companies by virtual base global business software skeleton
Product zone - nd Frames
  1. Name of Project : ND Frames MSPS
  2. Category : Movie field
  3. vailability : Global Marketing
  4. Source / Product : Product
  5. Description : ND Frames MSPS which contains 195 countries MSPS caps eg: ND Frames MSPS US, ND Frames MSPS UK, ND Frames MSPS Australia follows Again each ND Frames MSPS caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames MSPS US - x company, ND Frames MSPS UK - y company, ND Frames MSPS Australia - z company -.etc.
  6. Significance : Recreate the movie field
  7. Customisation : Entire world business magnets/ MNC companies / Film related companies by smart zoner global business software skeleton
Product zone - nd Frames
  1. Name of Project : ND Frames Inventor
  2. Category : Eng.field manufacturing field
  3. vailability : Global Marketing
  4. Source / Product : Product
  5. Description : ND Frames Inventor which contains 195 countries Inventor caps eg: ND Frames Inventor US, ND Frames Inventor UK, ND Frames Inventor Australia follows Again each ND Frames Inventor caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames Inventor US - x company, ND Frames Inventor UK - y company, ND Frames Inventor Australia - z company -.etc.
  6. Significance : Recreate the world
  7. Customisation : Entire world business magnets / MNC companies / any manufacturing companies by THREAD BASE GLOBAL BUSINESS SOFTWARE SKELETONS
Product zone - nd Frames
  1. Name of Project : ND Frames GDP Developer
  2. Category : Economy field
  3. vailability : Global Marketing
  4. Source / Product : Product
  5. Description : ND Frames GDP Developer which contains 195 countries GDP Developer caps eg: ND Frames GDP US, ND Frames GDP UK, ND Frames GDP Australia follows Again each ND Frames GDP caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames GDP US - x company, ND Frames GDP UK - y company, ND Frames GDP Australia - z company -.etc.
  6. Significance : to improve the economy of person/ world
  7. Customisation : Entire world business magnets/ MNC companies by THREAD BASE GLOBAL BUSINESS SOFTWARE SKELETONS
Product zone - nd Frames
  1. Name of Project : ND Frames MediTech
  2. Category : Medical field
  3. vailability : Global Marketing
  4. Source / Product : Product
  5. Description : ND Frames MediTech which contains 195 countries MediTech caps eg: ND Frames meditech US, ND Frames meditech UK, ND Frames meditech Australia follows Again each ND Frames MediTech caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames meditech US - x company, ND Frames meditech UK - y company, ND Frames meditech Australia - z company -.etc.
  6. Significance : To diagnoise the medical field
  7. Customisation : Entire world Medical companies/ Medical hospitals /MNC companies by THREAD BASE GLOBAL BUSINESS SOFTWARE SKELETONS
Product zone - nd Frames
  1. Name of Project : Neo's Q Book
  2. Category : Educational field
  3. vailability : Global Marketing
  4. Source / Product : Product
  5. Description : ND Frames Neo's Q Book which contains 195 countries Neo's Q Book caps eg: ND Frames Neo's Q Book US, ND Frames Neo's Q Book UK, ND Frames Neo's Q Book Australia follows. Again each ND Frames Neo's Q Book caps contains number of mini caps eg: ND Frames Neo's Q Book US - x company, ND Frames Neo's Q Book UK - y company, ND Frames Neo's Q Book Australia - z company -.etc.
  6. Significance : Renovate the educational field
  7. Customisation : Entire world business magnets/ MNC companies by neuron base global business software skeleton

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